Friday, February 6, 2015

Grades Of Judoka (Belts, Kyus & Dans)

Finally talking about the last piece of clothing judoka. 

The Wearing Belt Of Judoka

This is an accessory that is both useful and honorable: the belt. It is what keeps the size of the judogi jacket .. It is made of heavy canvas. Its width is approximately 4 cm and a length of approximately 2 m. It has no loop. Here's how to fix it: After swiveling the two sides of the jacket one over the other, enter the belt in the middle and place it on the navel (Figure 3). Then go both bands behind his back, cross them on the kidneys and bring them on either side of the body forward (Figure 4). Both ends must be of equal length. Knot them in the middle of the abdomen by a flat knot (fig.5).

And here you are ready to get to know judo!

The belt is also the « Grades » of judoka. In Japan, as elsewhere, all education is distributed by « levels » of knowledge and control. In judo, there are six « classes » for the beginner and ten levels for the advanced student.

When you begin the study of judo, you receive a belt ... just to hold your judogi: it is then white. You are considered a 6th class (or kyu in Japanese).

As and as you assimilate the techniques and you become expert in combat, you pass successively 5th, 4th, 3th, 2th and 1thr kyu. In Japan, you are authorized, from the 3th kyu to leave your white belt to the locker room and bring a brown belt. In Europe, Mikonosuke 
Kaiwashi, for educational reasons specific to Western students, created the differently colored belt system for each kyu .. This is how the neophyte, after two or three months of the expiry trans dojo, Volt will grant the 5th kyu: he receives from his teacher yellow belt. 

Later it every step of kyu, he was successively assign belts orange, green, blue and finally brown. From then, it is more serious candidate for the title of « student advance » (there a few years ago, we said Europe « expert »!). The candidate must then pass serious competition from a very severe examination and finally come before. his superiors, who judge according to his character, his « Judo pass » and other elements. Having succeeded his tests, he gets the famous black belt!

The Process Of Upgrading At Judoka

There are 10 more years, a black belt in Europe was, in terms judo, as well as self-defense or in any other battle mode (force or ground control), the « ne plus ultra ». Today, we get closer over the Japanese reality. Being black belt certainly a performance. Is not willing. It takes a lot of courage to get there. But this is only a first step towards mastery. Indeed, the black belts have levels (dan in Japanese) to climb. There theoretically ten Dans of judo

When a black belt passes his « pass exams » she was promoted to black belt 1th dan. Then, by training seriously, passing tests after tests, it will access the grade of 2th Dan and then 3th, 4th, 5th, etc ... Since there is no perfection in this world: no limit the grades. It is therefore possible that a 10th dan through diligent practice, reaches a perfection that she be granted the 11th dan. Jigoro Kano, the founder of judo, was given the title « Shihan »  posthumously. It was equivalent under 12th dan.

Until this point, all the « grades » are a black belt in training and competition. But when the owner of a 6th, 7th or 8th dan attends as an arbitrator or guest of honor in the judo event (championship, gala, conference, etc ...), he wears a red belt with white section. Beyond the 8th dan, the gala belt turns red. For the 12th dan, it is considered that the holder of an extraordinary distinction has reached such a level that exceeds any class. He then returned to « the source » and wears a white belt. But to some neophytes are not mistaken (!), The latter
is twice as wide as the beginner.

Before finishing, it may be useful to say (so you can avoid any disappointment) that a life entirely devoted to judo hardly enough to achieve the highest grades. Only exceptionally gifted and tough things can happen. Two or three years of hard work is the minimum required to achieve 1st dan; Then, the training time for each level gradually increases. Here, for each grade, the times necessary: 2th dan: 6 months; 3th dan: 1 year; 4th Dan: 1 year; 5th dan: 2 years; 6th dan: 5 years. Is about 12 years in total to reach the 6th dan ... provided it is an exceptional champion, beat all opponents in special competitions and pass exams more difficult! If the steps are respectively 2, 3, 4,5,6 and 9, whether 33 years for the 6th dan only.

Beyond, the grades are less dependent competitions, although it is always demand excellent shape. The criteria are: the high moral judoka, his understanding of the higher principles of judo, its contribution to development, improvement or dissemination of judo. If you start judo at age 15, do you feel so happy to reach 6th dan 50 years ... unless you are a champion, of course. As for the higher grades and since there are 10th in there never was alive two or three at a time. What let dreamer, given that Japan alone,. account 300000 black belts.

Grades Of Judoka Belts Kyus  Dans

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