The trunk is always right and vertical in the displacements without attacks. the trunk should never face the opponent, but be turned so that the body of the opponent is facing him. the head turning in the direction of the attack, when projecting, Tori follows with the trunk and hips almost simultaneously. the action of kuzushi part of the body and spreads to the arms. the latter are firm, but flexible. the control of judogi by the hands is effected by putting more strength in the small fingers in the rest of the hand. This force is maximum in the little finger and progressively decreases in the other fingers.
The weight distribution is substantially equal on both feet. However, the weight will be distributed in greater proportion to the front than back foot. the report will shizenhontai of 60.40 in jigotai 65.35 and in competition of 70.30. when will be unbalanced towards the front the body weight will move to the big toes. For each projection, weight distributions vary rapidly during tsukuri and kake. For example, for the preparation of tsukuri a shoulder projection on the right, Tori imbalance Uke towards the front by wearing its own weight on his right heel. At the beginning of kake, he shall bear his weight on the front foot and will divide more weight on the left foot (especially the heel) on the right.
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