This one, like all the important points. of this section, contributes to better use of energy. In any action, execution speed can generally be divided into two phases:
• the preparation phase (perception, judgment and decision)
• the execution phase (transmission and mobilization).
The preparation phase is composed (in a conscious act):
• the perception of an external or internal signal (opponent's attack or the desire to win);
• its interpretation (of disequilibrium analysis and research of a position or taking against);
• the choice and the decision of the response (such a technique to execute so for ...).
The execution phase is composed it, of:
• neuromuscular transmission (the chosen technique);
• neuromuscular contraction departure and adaptation during the action;
By analyzing these various parts of the conscious act we find that the three phases of preparation go through it. brain that transmits by intermediary from the spinal cord the necessary orders to act.
Proper training can reduce the time perception in a satisfactory proportion. Analysis time, choice and decision can be reduced to almost nothing by the acquisition of a conditioned reflex. That is to say, it creates a string of nerve cells from the organs RECEPTO analyzers the drive members, without involving consciousness. To achieve this, intensive training is essential. But thus created string (always complex) can be very long ... or much shorter structure. This structure depends paths and detours that all these nerve cells interested in the perceived signal (traction, push, shot, etc ...).
will do it (during the performance, the choice and the decision) to the motor nerves. Some will act as a green light and the message will pass quickly; others will be red light and message, arrested, will be diverted. These green and red lights are all conscious or unconscious thoughts that run our lives. It is thus clear that the role of the mental mind is important, even if the judoka turns most of his technical background in conditioned reflexes. They always play and even very rapidly, but they will have optimum performance when the mental state, Physical similar to the State will be well-trained, flexible, fast and away from any disability (inhibitions, fears, complexes, etc.) Here the role of the teacher will be very tricky, but preponderant. As regards the implementation phases properly so called, physical training and « form » contribute in a large firstly reducing the time to nerve transmission and muscle contraction time.
Finish with a few specific numbers: from an untrained subject, it takes nearly 80 hundredths of a second to respond to a given signal. With a well trained about this time goes down below 40 cents.
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