The biggest current master of Judo, Kyuzo Mifune has repeatedly stated: « Tai sabakl is the first and last step of judo. » This extraordinary expert who extended the same concept of Tai Sabaki, considers this art as gasoline. even judo and all human action. Tai Sabaki literally
means «dodge the body, turning movement body, defending the body by turning »,
1. Theory, to easily understand the basics of Tai Sabaki, consider the plan as a body axis (shoulder line) pivotable about its center of gravity (fig.1). If an opponent
1. Theory, to easily understand the basics of Tai Sabaki, consider the plan as a body axis (shoulder line) pivotable about its center of gravity (fig.1). If an opponent
pushes on one end of the shoulders, the body will pivot on its center. It will respond in the same manner when pulled to the one end. To be able to disrupt the balance of the body and disturbing the position, It would apply the push or pull the center of the body. This is why the
old masters teach: « Always face your opponent, but never to his face attack.»
The center, the hub of rotation, therefore becomes the vulnerable point.
But it is perfectly possible to move this and wear it for example at the ends (Fig.2). In this case, the body rotates around the axis passing through the shoulder and the left hip, for example, and ending on the left foot. This is what happens in judo during a projection. Under the principle of greatest lever arm, These techniques use the end of the body as the axis. Thus in a projection as ippon-seoi-nage, Tori pivots on his right foot around the axis of the shoulder and right hip, by launching the other end to his back left, the body, that is to say, shoulder, hip and left leg. This powerful rotary motion transmits its energy to the left arm that pulls Uke around the pivot axis. As soon as the left foot is placed on the ground, the kinetic energy is transmitted to the right shoulder and in part to the right hip will move to the new axis of the shoulder and left hip.
But it is perfectly possible to move this and wear it for example at the ends (Fig.2). In this case, the body rotates around the axis passing through the shoulder and the left hip, for example, and ending on the left foot. This is what happens in judo during a projection. Under the principle of greatest lever arm, These techniques use the end of the body as the axis. Thus in a projection as ippon-seoi-nage, Tori pivots on his right foot around the axis of the shoulder and right hip, by launching the other end to his back left, the body, that is to say, shoulder, hip and left leg. This powerful rotary motion transmits its energy to the left arm that pulls Uke around the pivot axis. As soon as the left foot is placed on the ground, the kinetic energy is transmitted to the right shoulder and in part to the right hip will move to the new axis of the shoulder and left hip.
This long explanation, we can see that if the projection was made with the center of the body as the axis of rotation during the entire movement, Tori would have got that half of effectiveness for the same expenditure of energy. Indeed, the pivot located centrally between the ends, the lever arm is two times smaller than if it was placed at one end. Thus we see that Tai Sabaki is not a dodge technique. Certainly allows of render vain every attack an opponent but its intelligent use renders great service in the attack.
2. Practice. To quickly assimilate the basis of Tai Sabaki, must be exercised successively three incremental forms. The first, and simplest, consists from the Snizen-Hontai position (aeux feet on the same line) and pivot on the left foot by turning the whole body to the right and largely backing the right foot half-circle (Fig.1). This is a basic Tai Sabaki right, quite common defense. For dodging to the left, it is quite simply to reverse the operating mode. But this way of moving is not using all the resources of the body.
A second manner consists more efficient to move the left foot in a semicircle in front of the right foot,
while turning the body to the right and pivoting on the right foot, (Fig.2). Thereof generally back a little in the end of movement in order to accentuate the rotation of the body.
while turning the body to the right and pivoting on the right foot, (Fig.2). Thereof generally back a little in the end of movement in order to accentuate the rotation of the body.
Which brings us full Tai Sabaki which consists of a small feint no appeal right foot to the right and launch largely left foot a big step forward left. As soon as the body turns to the right and the right foot is pulled back towards the location where was the left foot (Figure 3). The study of these movements should be repeated without a partner until obtaining the correct automation of the movement. It should then progressively apply each technique to specific cases.
• Tai Sabaki 1st: dodge attack on on hip movement; attack on de-ashi-barai to right. • 2nd taisabaki: dodge on ko-soto-gake, tal-otoshi to right; attack left tsuri-kumi-goshi • 3rd Tai Sabaki: dodge any generally; attack ko-soto-gake right, ashi-guruma left.
After this form of study, the judoka must strive to apply Tai Sabaki moving for all attacks and all defenses. It will avoid too big, against accidental shifting of its center of gravity, sudden movements. His mind will be vigilant, so as to never be blatant failure « bad use of his body » and promptly use any inaccurate movement of the opponent. This training is very difficult, but rich in teaching, because the whole science of better use of energy is revealed in the practice of Tai sabaki.
This is indeed steal at any instant his body to the grip of the adversary and control incessantly hers in order to detect the slightest flaw position. To achieve this, it is imperative to bridle the natural tendency to use force. The speed of movement of the whole body and in particular of its center of gravity is more important than the energy used by the arms.
The promptness with which is detected the opening of an attack is more efficient than, muscle strength. For if these points so precious, are acquired, the energy required to control the opponent will be less, The training to the quiet relaxation of the mind, sincerity and ardor combat lead the student serious about this goal, which is a major judo.
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